

বুধবার, ১২ জুন, ২০১৩

receptionist's mother....

How I hooked up with my receptionist's mother....

I just started working for a company at the beginning of the week and on Friday the receptionist came around and said that there is going to be a company wide meeting with our other branches in Williamsburg, VA. She said that she had to have the final count of the people attending to the main office by the end of the day. Everyone could either bring there wife and children or 1 person with them. Since I was new to the area I didn't have any family or friends that I would take. I was debating weather or not to go by myself and Crystal the receptionist said she was bringing her mother and that it wouldn't be all work related so I should go. She said it will be fun you'll get to know more people. She talked me into it and I signed up to go by myself.

The following Friday after work everyone who was going, headed to Williamsburg, VA for our company meeting on Saturday. Than on Sunday you could either go to old town Williamsburg or Busch Garden's amusement park. It was about a 3 ½ hour drive with traffic and I arrived around 9pm at the hotel where we were staying and the meeting was being held. I checked into my room and headed to the lounge to see if any of my other coworkers had arrived yet. I noticed a couple around the bar and joined them for a few cocktails. There was a disc jockey that started around 10pm. By this time there were several more people who showed up and everyone was looking to have a good time.

By this time I had had a few cocktails and can tend to be a social person when I have a few beverages. I was sitting with a Susan a PM assistant that started the same day I did. She had brought her 21 year old sister so I was having fun getting her a little intoxicated. I saw Crystal walked in with an older lady I assumed who was her mother since she said that is who she was bringing. I wasn't surprised that Crystal was the last to arrive. Don't take me wrong but Crystal is 40 has a great body and a good personality but she can be clueless sometimes. She saw me sitting with Susan and her sister and headed over and introduced her mother to us. Her name was Sherri. Sherri stated they would have been a lot earlier but apparently Crystal had the wrong name of the hotel and they went to another location first. We all laughed and asked if they wanted to join us at our table. With that I ordered more shots and continued the evening of getting Susan's sister drunk.

I was surprised and think I got caught doing a once over of Sherri when I was introduced to her. I shock her hand I did a once up and down look at her. She just smiled as I introduced myself. She was older and I found out later that she was 60. To describe her she is average build and dresses business casual with a little sex appeal for a lady her age. She had well manicured hands and her clothes were pressed and form fitting. I could tell that she took good care of herself and her look.

We sat there for awhile drinking and chatting. When the disc jockey played a song that Susan's sister wanted to dance to I agreed. It helped that her sister had a nice ass and could shake it also. Since I'm 30, I had no problem dancing with a younger hot chick. We danced a few songs and headed back to the table. Other guys from work started coming by the table and asking Amanda to dance, which she apparently didn't mind. After they danced they proceeded to have a shot. Shortly she was trashed.

In the mean time I was chatting with Sherri and found out that she was a real estate agent in the Washington DC area. We had some things in common and were having a good conversation. Sherri asked if I wanted to dance and I took her up on it. We danced a couple of songs and 1 slow song together. During the slow dance I started thinking that this lady is a couple of years older than my mom and I am finding myself attracted to her. I was like wow and wondering if it was the alcohol. After the song we went back and sat at the table. We had a few more drinks and the DJ announced it was the last song and Amanda who was trashed grabbed my hand and headed to the dance floor. I was kind of disappointed I wanted to dance with Sherri. By the end of the song Amanda was about passed out. I helped her back to the table and told Susan I would help her take her sister back to her room. It was about 1am and our meeting started at 8am in the morning. I was thinking that morning was going to come pretty early.

I said goodnight to Crystal and her mother and helped Amanda back to her room. It took both Susan and I to get her back. We brought her in and she basically passed out on the bed. I told Susan she is going to feel terrible in the morning and good thing she doesn't have to get up and go to the meeting. Susan laughed and I left at that. I went to my room and went right to sleep. When the alarm went off at 7:15am I had a nice hangover myself. It was a little tough getting ready for the meeting but I made it there about 5 minutes early. Everyone was coming in and I could tell that most were feeling pretty rough.

The meeting lasted until 5pm and than I went back to my room and got ready for dinner at 6pm. It was a company dinner and they handed out a few awards for years of service and the President spoke and thanked all for coming and keep up the hard work.

I was still feeling a little rough from last night and I headed to the lounge to see who was there. I saw Susan and her sister sitting with Crystal and her mom. I walked over and asked Amanda if she wanted a shot and I got the look from hell while everyone else at the table laughed. Apparently everyone was taking it easy tonight and I asked what everyone was doing tomorrow? Susan and her sister where going to Busch Garden's and Crystal and mom where probably going to skip both, like I was doing and heading home early.

I made small talk for a while and decided I was going to head back to my room and watch television for awhile and call it a night. I made my good bys and told Sherri it was nice meeting her and told the others I would see them at work on Monday.

I headed to the restroom and when I came out I saw that Crystal and Sherri had already left. I decided before I head to my room I would go for a walk outside and get a little fresh air. When I came back about 15 minutes later I saw Sherri standing out in one of the courtyards and I walked up and said hi. She smiled at me and we chatted for about 5 minutes and said I was going to head to my room and watch a little television. She shocked me a little bit and asked if I wanted some company because she wasn't ready to head back to her room with Crystal yet, Crystal had a couple of other ladies from work in there room. I said sure come on. I was thinking on my way to the room where was this leading.

When we got to my room I really hadn't thought about it but I only had a king bed and a small table and chairs. So I made the best of it and grabbed a couple of pillows in the closet and said we could prop these up and sit on the bed. There wasn't really anything on television so we were just chatting, laughing and having a good time. I noticed that she was adjusting her neck every once and awhile and I asked if it was bothering her and she said it was a little tight. I took the opportunity and said that I give a great back rub and started massaging her shoulders. She sighed and I could tell that she was enjoying it. I told her that it would be easier if she sat in front of me. I sat up against the head board and positioned her between my legs and started rubbing her shoulders and neck for her.

It all started innocently and I could tell she was enjoying it and getting relaxed. The next thing I know I was starting to get a hardon and didn't want her to notice. All I could think about was this lady is older than my mother. It didn't help my hardon though. I had been rubbing her shoulders for about 10 minutes when she kind of leaned back and rested her back on my chest and kind of stretched her neck out and I don't know what got into me but I gave light kiss on the neck. I felt her stiffen up for a moment and stop and I thought I had over stepped my limit but she let out a deep breath and leaned her head forward and let me continue massaging her shoulders. She moved back against me and I know she could feel my hardon.

So I took that as a signal and I moved my hands down her sides and up her front and cupped her breasts in my hands. She leaned back into me and I started kissing her neck and she let out a soft sigh. I kept rubbing her breast softly and cupping them with my hands. She turned her head to the side and I went from kissing her neck to kissing her on the mouth. They were nice soft little kisses and than we both opened our mouths and let our tongues touch. As we were kissing she had a button up shirt and I started to undo her buttons in a nice slow fashion. After I had her shirt unbutton she was wearing a front clasping bra and I undid that. I moved my hands to her bare breasts and continued to feel them.

After a couple of minutes of this I stooped and moved out from behind her. I had her lay down and I went to unbutton her pants and removed them, she was now laying there in her panties and shirt and bra that were both open. I smiled at her and reached for her panties and removed them from her also. She had a nice little patch that was well trimmed. I laid my hands on her legs and spread them apart getting a nice view. I reached forward and placed my thumbs on each side of her and spread her open revealing her clit to me. I massaged gently with my thumbs and she closed her eyes and enjoyed her self. She wasn't overly vocal but could tell her breathing had increased.

I leaned forward a licked her from as low as I could go to her clit. Keeping my thumbs on each side of her I started licking her clit and could feel it hardening, with a nice soft movement from my tongue and nothing to aggressive. I did this for a couple of minutes I could tell she was enjoying this. I continued to lick her like this and went to insert my middle finger into her. I moved it in as far as I could and felt her hips to start moving with the rhythm of my finger. She was getting nice and wet. I pulled my finger out while still licking her and than inserted 2 fingers in her. She let out a moan and started moving her hips even more. After about a minute of this she shook her head and told me to stop. She looked at me and said she needed me inside of her and now. I was pretty horny at this time and didn't need to be told twice. I stripped off my clothes as quick as I could. I climbed back up on the bed and she reached for my cock and guided it to her entrance. She moved it up and down her a couple of times and got my head wet. She than put her other hand on my lower back and pulled me to her while guiding my cock into her.

I let myself enter her completely and I stopped when I was fully inside of her and gave a couple of little thrusts. She placed her hands on my hips and guided me about halfway out and than back in, just a nice slow pace. I don't think I could have been any harder. I kept the pace slow knowing that if I went to fast I would not last very long. I kept the same pace but I was now almost coming completely out her with each thrust. Right before I would pull out I would thrust back into her completely. I kept this pace up for a couple of minutes and just enjoyed the feeling. I was getting into this and I could tell that I was getting less sensitive and that I would be able to increase the pace and last for awhile.

As I increased the pace she was holding me tighter and her moans were getting louder. I could hear the bed rocking up against the head board and this made me increase my pace even more. I was giving everything I had I could tell she was getting closer to an orgasm. The pace and angle I was hitting her was feeling really good. Her orgasm hit her quickly and she grabbed on as tight as she could to my hips and her body almost went stiff. She called out oh my god and released a big sigh. I was so hard by now and close myself that I picked up the pace and the tighter she held on the harder I thrust. It was a matter of seconds and I released several huge spurts of cum into her. Coming down from our orgasms I lay on top of her total spent. We just enjoyed the moment together. I looked up and said wow. I don't think I have ever cum that hard before. She just smiled and I rolled off the top of her and she got up and went to the bathroom. It hit me than, that I just had great sex with a lady that is a couple of years older than my own mother. It was like wow.

I could hear her peeing in the bathroom and than the sink ran for about 30 seconds. When she came back out she had did her bra and had buttoned up her shirt but was still naked from the waist down. She was carrying a warm washcloth and said that she liked to clean her man up after sex. Using the wash cloth she gave my cock and balls a good slow washing taking her time. She bent over took me in her mouth and went down on me completely and than sucked the tip of my head and gave it a kiss. It was getting me hard again and I said round 2. She said she had to get back to her room and Crystal before she came looking for her. With that she got dressed and I lay there naked watching her and she came over gave me a peck on the lips smiled at me and left my room.

I was kind of disappointed with her not staying and wondered if she was feeling bad or having second thoughts. I watched television for awhile and fell a sleep.

When I woke up in the morning I showered and got my stuff together for the ride home. I checked out and was heading to my car when I saw Sherri in the parking lot I walked over and said good morning. She said hi. I asked if she was good and she said no. Oh no, what is wrong? She said that she was upset at herself because she didn't stay for round 2. I kind of smiled at that and at that moment Crystal walked up and asked where I had been last night. She hadn't seen me around last night. I told her that I went for a walk and had a little cardio and than cleaned up before I went to sleep. I finished by saying that it was a nice night. She asked if I was glad I came and said I wouldn't have missed it. She said that is funny my mom said the same thing.

With that we parted and that is how my relationship with my receptionist's mother started.


She sat in seat 13-A, looking silently out the window at the ground slowly moving by 35,000 feet below her, occasionally interrupted by a soft cloud passing by on the Friday afternoon. Her drink sat half-finished on the tray table dropped down from the seat back in front of her.

She knew she wanted this flight; she had to get away, and she knew that what she would encounter at the other end was something she wanted, no, needed for herself—to feel like a woman again. This trip was the end of the slavish life she had left behind, a life that had started out well but had gone sour, corrupted and decayed by infidelity and the loss of trust that had come with it. The reward for that infidelity and breach of vows was her angry silence. In that dark time first she had shied away from everyone in her hurt, choosing silence over words that would hurt those that didn't deserve it. When that threatened to overwhelm her, she had sought solace for her own needs in the other she was flying to see now, not for any revenge or infidelity of her own, but for understanding, to try to get past her hurt, to heal, and move on. He had helped her, and she had moved on and healed, but she also found she wanted more. She had almost completely moved on from being used and exploited as a housewife and penis depository. The divorce was long past. Her emotional wounds had all healed save one. This trip was to see him, to heal that final wound, to become whole again, and to repay the debt she owed him.

At first they had simply talked, about the situation she was in. She was able to break her silence with him. He provided her a male perspective on the situation, including insight as to how the male mind operated, and why some men acted like total assholes. She found him gentle and understanding, and she knew she could trust him with anything. As time went on the talks moved beyond broken relationships into more mundane things like how to fix her broken computer and why women's clothes sizing in stores made no sense. After the divorce, she found herself sharing dreams and fantasies with him, and him her. Although they had known each other for a few years, they saw each other rarely, because time and distance made for persistent enemies of even the longest and strongest of relationships. They exchanged photos, and of late the photos took on a more risqué tone, with her taking the first step of a topless photo, then the rest of her. His replies were in line, indicating he loved what he saw, and he reciprocated with photos of him, and she replied in kind. This was not a man who was out for a conquest, even though they had cybersex together a few times. There was a mutual attraction, and after a long time, this trip was finally happening. But the time for words between them was past, so silent she would be.

She stirred from her thoughts and absently reached for, then finished her rum and coke, the third since she left. A few minutes later the flight attendant collected the trash and she put up the tray table. She returned to her gaze out the window, watching the miles creep by and the ground creep closer as the 737 approached for landing. Landmarks familiar from memorizing Google Maps came to her as she found his house from above. She knew he wasn't there at the moment, because he was waiting for her at the airport. The plane touched down with a bump and taxied to the terminal. Mentally she reviewed her next steps, and as she walked up the jetway with the other passengers from the half-full flight, pulling her carry-on bag, her lone luggage, with her, she shivered. Maybe it was the cold air in the jetway, maybe it was anticipation, but she was glad she was wearing the button-up denim dress she had on now for the warmth it provided. Still she stayed silent.

She entered the concourse and headed to the nearest restroom. Entering a stall, she pulled in her carry-on behind her and latched the door. First she unbuttoned the bottom of her dress up past the mid-calf she had set it at to much higher, so that the lowest button was just below mid-thigh. She lowered her panties and relieved herself since the 3 rum and cokes was letting her know her bladder was full, but when she was done, she slipped her panties off all the way and put them into the outer pocket of her bag. She stowed her reading glasses in her purse and removed the barrettes in her hair, letting it cascade down from the tight bun she had done it up in for the flight to its full auburn length to her waist. Then she unbuttoned the top of the dress to her navel and removed her bra, putting it with the panties in the bag. She buttoned the dress back up to just below her breasts, so that her cleavage was visible but nothing would fall out until she wanted it to. It was liberating, wearing nothing but her dress, pentacle, and her lone piercing. She let out another shiver. She was slightly buzzed, but still, she had not let this part of her come out in a long time—too long.

Out of the purse came a compact and she checked her minimal makeup, finding no smudges. Next came the strawberry lip gloss. Last, the perfume, from a bottle he had sent her the previous Yule, and she applied it to her neck, running a line down her cleavage, and another up the inside of each thigh. She gave herself a quick touch of the piercing between her legs to create even more anticipation, but she stopped, and she stowed the makeup back in her purse and left the stall, heading out of the restroom and towards the security gate. She had been silent since she had boarded the plane.


He stood there, outside the security area, silently waiting. He had been there only a few minutes, timing his arrival to minimize the parking costs. To the casual observer, he was just another man, patiently awaiting a passenger arrival, but on closer inspection they would have found it odd to see him wearing sunglasses and a leather jacket indoors over his loose white t-shirt and leather chaps over his loose sweat pants—until they saw the helmet in his hand. He looked completely the part of a biker, and he was. Except for the bulge in his pants hidden by his fanny pack, and the fact that the only thing between that bulge and the fanny pack was the sweat pants.

He thought back to times past with her, the talks, the times when she really needed a long hug, a good shoulder rub, or a chest to bury her face into and cry, yet there was no one there in person to provide it for her. He had seen this woman at her best and worst, seen her most vulnerable and most vicious. She had bared her soul and body to him, and he had taken that gift and made the most of it, and this trip was the final act in a long play that would lead who-knows-where.

And he wanted her. And she wanted him, else she would not have come.

And she was there, coming down the escalator, looking around nervously, then seeing him and breaking into a smile. She stepped off and came to him, dropping her bag beside them, throwing her arms around him and kissing him deeply. No words were said. None were needed. He returned her kiss with fervor as she pressed herself into him. They broke the kiss and he grabbed her carry-on. He motioned for her to follow, and she did, hooking her arm in his as they made their way out the door into the parking garage. He stopped at a Harley with a sidecar. He retrieved a spare helmet from the sidecar and placed her carry-on in and strapped it in, then removed the fanny pack and placed it in a saddle bag. He set the helmet, along with his own, on the seat of the bike. They embraced again, and this time the kiss was more insistent, and she opened her mouth to admit his tongue, and they reveled in the taste of rum, coke, and strawberries. His hand reached inside her dress and cupped her right breast, feeling it weight in his hand, and his fingers tweaked the nipple softly. Her hands reached around and ducked into his pants and squeezed the cool flesh of his behind, pulling him into her, and she felt his arousal against her.

Then the kiss was broken again, and he helped her into her helmet, her long hair billowing out underneath, blending right in with the red flames on the black helmet. He put on his own helmet, with blue flames in a custom job that matched the bike perfectly, zipped up his jacket, and mounted the bike. She lifted up a leg and swung on behind him, feeling the cool leather on her piercing, and the slight push back gave her another shudder. He started the motor as she slipped her arms around his waist, and she leaned into him, partly to keep the wind off her breasts but also because whatever cologne he was wearing was intoxicating. They left the parking garage and headed out of the airport for the drive home, and she decided to play some more. He hands moved lower and into the front of his pants, finding his still-erect self. She began a gentle stroking of it, reveling in the feel of him, trying to entice but not distract. For his part, he had decided to take city streets home and no freeways the moment he had seen her swing a creamy leg over the bike behind him, giving him a peek at her bareness beyond. Now her hands were definitely enticing as he tried to focus on the road ore than his raging hard-on and her merciless teasing.

They hit a bump and she felt the bike, already vibrating on her piercing, lurch into her, sending her a jolt of unexpected pleasure, and she gripped him tighter. She noticed more and each one began to build within her a wave of pleasure that she knew would soon break, and all that was in question was how and when. She stopped her stroking but left her hands there and let the bike and the road do the work.


After what seemed like an eternity of bump-induced pleasure but in reality was only ten minutes, he pulled into the garage, shut off the bike, and put down the door. She released her grip on him and withdrew her hands from his pants and dismounted, he following and removing his fanny pack from the saddle bag and her carry-on from the sidecar. They both removed their helmets and placed them in the sidecar, then entered the house. He removed his sunglasses and put them in his jacket, then removed the jacket and chaps and shoes and put them in the coat closet.

He went straight away to the bedroom with her bag, and she followed to the doorway. She slipped off her shoes and kicked them aside. He placed the bag in the corner and turned to face her. She ran to him and threw herself onto him, and he fell backwards onto the bed, her on top of him. Her hands ripped at his t-shirt, tearing it off, and her hands frantically pulled down his pants, and she quickly, almost frantically got them off of him. She hiked her own dress and moved onto him, getting him into her at last. She began to move up and down on him as she worked the buttons of her dress, one button for each thrust, until there were no more buttons and she removed it completely and cast it aside. He started to reach for her but she grabbed his wrists and pushed him back. This was her time. She moved up and down on him faster, feeling him inside her, reveling in the feel of what she needed and had lacked for so long. Her hand found her piercing and she began stroking herself, and the other found her breast and began to stroke her nipple. She continued this way, humping like a beast possessed, until she came with a silent roar, mouth open with no sound coming out, stopping her thrusts to clench him in her shuddering and twitching throes, then feeling him come inside her as well. She was a woman again, sexy, confident, and utterly feminine, restored the way that only trust and unrestrained passion can do. When she had subsided enough to think, she moved off of him, then curled up next to him. They drifted off to sleep.


The first thing he noticed as he woke was touch. More specifically, the lack of hers. She was gone, but as his other senses came into wakefulness, he heard water running in the shower and saw a waft of steam curling along the ceiling from the bathroom. He got up and went into the bathroom. She was there, in the shower, letting the water wash over her. He opened the door and stepped inside, then closed the door behind himself. She took the washcloth and soap, and turned to face him. She kissed him tenderly, and then began to wash him, working down his chest and back, then going down his arms and up his legs, exploring every inch of him, caressing him, stroking him, and cleaning him. At last she found herself kneeling at his crotch, and she gently washed him there, taking extra care of the sensitive areas that were already responding to her touch. She followed up the rinse with her own special ministrations, taking him in her mouth and sucking and licking him under the warm spray, until he could stand it no more and he let loose, but she would not relinquish, and took all of him in. He took her hand and helped her to her feet, took the washcloth, and began to wash her, and he did exactly the same thing to her she did to him—exploring every inch, caressing, stroking, and cleaning her. He slipped the washcloth between her legs and washed her there gently, but then at last he finished with washing her breasts, taking extra care on them, and he followed up with his own mouth, first sucking on one, then the other, then the first again, enjoying her nipples as they grew ever so taut under his tongue and teeth. He reached behind and turned off the water, then opened the door. They stepped out of the shower, and she reached for a towel, and began to dry him in the same way she had washed him, and when she finished he did the same.

But then he dropped the towel and scooped her in his arms and carried her back to the bed. He laid her on the bed and then kneeled before her. He spread her legs wide and move down to her, and his mouth closed in on her piercing and he began to lick and suck on her womanhood. She draped her legs over his shoulders and her hands found the back of his head, her eyes closed, as she twitched and shook with orgasm after orgasm from his relentless assault on her. He refused to stop, and she refused to let him, until finally he disengaged and replaced his mouth with his manhood. He thrust into her, first slow and shallow, then deeper and faster as she accepted him in, until he was pounding away on her and she was arching her back in pleasure. He pulled out and turned her over and began again, from behind, getting even deeper, her mouth chewing the pillow to keep from crying out, her hands clenching the sheets as waves of orgasms washed over her yet more. Finally with one deep thrust he came deep inside her, and then he slowly pulled out. They collapsed together.


They continued like this all weekend long, with no words between them, making love with a passion and intensity that was beyond words anyway. When they weren't in bed they were elsewhere in the house, and no words were exchanged at all, even when eating meals.


She sat in seat 15-G, looking out the window at the lights on the ground slowly moving by 35,000 feet below her, occasionally interrupted by a soft cloud passing by on the Sunday evening. Her drink sat half-finished on the tray table dropped down from the seat back in front of her.

She was finally healed. She was a woman again. The debt was repaid.

She would return soon, to share in the passionate silence again. But when that comes, she knows she will not leave. And that time, when the silence breaks, the woman will remain, whole and complete.

The Pool Boy SEX STORY

Mitch was playing XBox when he heard a car door slam. He looked out the window to see Emma, his next door neighbor coming home from shopping. "Damn she's fucking hot," Mitch thought to himself. Emma had been divorced for about a year, and Mitch felt a little guilty for looking at her this way. He really liked Mr. Ferguson, he'd lived next door to them since he was an infant, but Mitch was nineteen now and Mrs. Ferguson's tits were calling to him.

Mitch figured he could fill a gallon milk bottle if he had kept all the semen he'd produced while watching Emma sunbathe by her pool, and he'd only been home from college for a week. Beating his meat while looking at Emma in a bikini wasn't going to be enough for Mitch this summer, he wanted to fuck her. He wanted to squeeze her 36DD funbags as her pumped his eight inches of steel in and out of her shaved cunt.

Mitch had one problem, Emma and his mom had been best friends since before he was born. When Mitch looked at Emma, he saw the smoking hot blonde, with huge tits and a gorgeous ass. When Emma looked at Mitch, she saw the six year old in a Lone Ranger mask, shooting a cap gun in front of her house. Mitch figured that at some point Emma had to feel the need for some cock. She wasn't an old maid yet, far from it, she was only forty-two, and didn't look a day over twenty-five.

Mitch knew Emma wasn't seeing anyone, and he hoped that if she was using toys to satisfy her needs, it wouldn't be long before she grew as tired of them as Mitch had grown of his hand. All Mitch had to do was convince Emma that he wasn't the little boy she'd watch grow up. He had to show her he was a full grown man, capable of satisfying her desires. Mitch wasn't dumb enough to think that he could have any kind of relationship with Emma, she'd never be able to look his mom in the eye again. He had to be the young stud with a hard dick that she just fucked for fun.

In order to do that, Mitch was going to have to show her that he wasn't such a little boy anymore. That was going to be tough for him, he didn't even call her by her first name, but Mitch had all summer to do it. The first thing Mitch thought he had to do was let Emma see just how much he'd grown. Mitch was no dumpy college dork, he was on the swim team in college, and he had a gorgeous body. He had short close cropped brown hair that made his lean handsome face look rugged and chiseled. He kept his lean tight body always perfectly shaved for swimming, and his long thick eight inch cock looked more like a work of art than a sex organ.

Mitch had a plan to show himself off to Emma. He went and bought a pair of white swim trunks two sizes too small. After his parents had gone to sleep that night, he went outside and took a saw from the garage. There was a huge tree in their backyard, and some of the branches hung over the pool. Every fall it was a pain cleaning the fallen leaves out so the pool could be used. Mitch figured if you couldn't swim in a pool with leaves, you certainly couldn't use one with a huge tree branch in it. Mitch sawed one of the tree limbs about halfway through, hoping its weight would cause it to fall into the pool by morning.

Mitch woke up the next morning to find the tree limb crashed into the pool, just as he hoped. He went downstairs to the kitchen and found his mother making breakfast.

"Mom, did you see the tree limb in the pool, how am I going to practice?"

"Don't worry honey, I already called a tree service, I'm sure Emma will let you use her pool for today."

Sweet victory, Mitch thought to himself. Not only was his scheme in motion, but his mom had made the suggestion he use Emma's pool. About an hour later Mitch was knocking on Emma's door,

"Hi Mrs. Ferguson, a big tree limb fell into our pool last night...I was wondering if I could use your pool for my workout?"

"Oh of course sweetie, come on in."

Mitch came in and chatted with Emma for a few minutes before he changed into his swim trunks and went out to the pool. Mitch's extremely tight swim trunks were so small that every single detail of his dick was clearly visible, and they weren't even wet. Mitch thought that if he were to get an erection, it might just tear the trunks right off of him.

Mitch went outside, jumped into the water, and swam a few laps. He was carefully keeping an eye on the windows to make sure Emma was somewhere she could see outside when he got out of the pool. Mitch could see that Emma had come into the kitchen, and was making a pitcher of iced tea. Mitch seized his opportunity. He slowly climbed out of the pool and turned to face the window. With his swim trunks wet, they were completely see through, and even tighter fitting. Mitch's manhood was clearly on display. Mitch stood there for a moment. He closed his eyes and ran his fingers through his hair.

Emma wasn't really paying any attention to Mitch, she only casually glanced out the window, but the sight shocked her. She quickly looked away at first, but was unable to stop herself from taking a second peek. She looked long enough to at least confirm that she had seen what she thought she'd seen. She quickly looked back down at the iced tea she was making, but the picture of Mitch's cock was burned into her mind now. She tried to think of something else, like when Mitch was a little boy, or better yet when he was a baby. "I was at the hospital the day that boy was born," Emma thought to herself. Emma tried to think back to when Mitch was a baby, she'd changed his diaper many times. Emma told herself that it wasn't the first time she'd see the boy's wee wee.

Emma had made herself feel a little better until she heard splashing, Mitch was getting out of the pool again. Emma tried to make herself not look, but she couldn't. Emma thought that Mitch's cock looked even bigger this time, she couldn't take her eyes off of it. "This is my best friend's son...what would Donna think?" Emma tore her eyes away. When she heard a splash she walked into the living room and sat on the couch.

It had been a while for Emma, her toys kept her sane, but she hadn't felt anything warm inside her in far too long. Emma tried hard to erase what she'd seen from her mind, then she heard slashing again. Emma forced herself to stay in the couch for a moment, but she couldn't resist the urge. Emma got up and went to the window. "Oh my goodness!" Emma whispered. The entire head of Mitch's cock was poking out of his swim trunks. Emma was staring at like a hungry lion, at raw meat. "Please don't let Donna find out." Emma said to herself.

Mitch finished his workout and came inside. He asked Emma if he could go upstairs and take a shower. Emma said yes, and when she heard the water turn on she did something purely on impulse. She grabbed a towel and opened the door. Emma found Mitch standing there naked and said, "Oh I'm sorry honey, I just wanted to bring you a towel." Mitch made no effort to cover himself as he thanked her and took the towel.

Mitch saw his opportunity as Emma lingered at the door and said, "You don't have to be embarrassed Mrs. Ferguson, I'm not ashamed of my body, I don't mind you seeing me naked."

Emma couldn't help but stare, she composed herself and said, "Oh no dear...you have a very nice body."

Mitch could tell Emma was nervous, he inched closer to her and said, "Thank you, Mrs. Ferguson I think you have a very nice body too."

Emma was using all her willpower to not throw herself at Mitch until she looked down and saw Mitch's penis begin to grow. Emma was trembling as Mitch took a step closer to her. Mitch had a full erection when Emma spoke, "You're a little excited I see."

"Yes I am," Mitch said in a deep seductive voice as he took a step closer to Emma.

"What would your mother say?" Emma asked, almost stuttering.

"My mother doesn't need to know." Mitch said as he put his hand on the small of Emma's back, and pulled himself so close, that the tip of his penis touched her belly button. Emma wanted to stop herself, but she couldn't. It had been so long since she had a man inside her. She needed this. Mitch felt Emma's hand cautiously touch his penis. She wasn't trying to stimulate him, she wanted to touch it, explore it, as if she had forgotten what one felt like.

Emma couldn't control herself, she dropped to her knees and stared at Mitch's erection for a long moment. It wasn't too late for her to turn back, she could still send the boy home, take a cold shower and forget it ever happened. For a second Emma thought she could but then...

Mitch let out a soft moan of pleasure as Emma took him into her mouth. Mitch tasted like sweet candy to her. Emma sucked him like a lollipop, she was almost getting more pleasure from it than him. He felt so warm in her mouth, she could feel his heart beating, feel his breathing. Emma unbuttoned her top and let it fall to the floor and began caressing her breasts with both hands.

As good as Mitch tasted, Emma needed more. She stood up and unbuttoned her shorts, letting them drop to the floor. This was Mitch's dream, Emma was standing in front of him naked. He grabbed her by the shoulders and spun her to face away from him. He grabbed her left leg and lifted it, leaving the right on the floor, and thrust into Emma.

Emma moaned when she felt Mitch penetrate her. She had a real cock inside her for the first time in a year. She wanted to feel every inch of it. She didn't care that Mitch was pumping like a horny schoolboy, she wanted to feel it. Mitch couldn't do it standing up for long so Emma led him to the couch and let him sit down. She climbed on top of him and quickly stuffed his penis back inside her. Emma fucked him like a teenager, sliding up and down on his pole with blazing speed.

"He's so big," Emma thought to herself as Mitch filled her. She suddenly turned around to face away from him without allowing his cock outside her, and continued riding him. Mitch didn't think he could last much longer, Emma was like a bucking bronco on top of him. Mitch had no control, if Emma was going to cum it was completely up to her. Mitch could feel the sweat building up on Emma's body, she was fucking him like wild. Suddenly Mitch couldn't take anymore, he felt himself explode inside Emma. Emma only fucked Mitch harder when she felt his sperm fill her, she was screaming with pleasure when she finally collapsed on top of him. Emma lay on top of Mitch for a few moments before she climbed off. She really didn't have any idea what to say to Mitch, she'd acted in the heat of lust.

Mitch finally broke the awkward silence with, "Don't worry Mrs. Ferguson, I won't tell if you won't." Mitch headed home with a huge smile on his face. Mitch came in through the back door. His mother was chewing on an apple as she asked, "How was your workout dear?"

"Best one ever," Mitch replied.


Aj thaka 2 bochor agar golpo. Ami tokhon matro Nokahli College thaka Sociology ta Hons. final exam diya puro Bangladesh gurar tour dichi. Ay somoy dhaka thaka Bandorban er uddasha rouna dilam Santi poribohon er bus a. Amar pasar seat faka e roilo. Saydabad thaka ak chakma maya uthlo & ki ja sundor mama!Dakha e amar suna mathay utha galo!Allaha jara fay, 2 hat vora day. Oy mayar seat porlo, tik amar pasar seat e. Ata dakha tu suna ka ar control e korta pari na. Bus er modha e suna dariya dom. Kintu amar cahara jahatu, khub e misti & babohar o, tai ami maya tika khub sonman er satha bosta sahajjo korlam & nija aktu dura sora boslam. Ay vodrota ta amar mukhos & ay karona e maya ra amaka khub pochondo kora!
Ami pani kachilam, ay somoy maya ta bollo, execuise me, pani kothay pauya jaba, ami vula pani ani nei!Ami bollam, amar akhan thaka e nan na. Kono prob nei. Sa amar thaka pani nilo. Er por ami e janta cailam, kothay jachan, Sa bollo bandorbon Ruma ta or bari. Sa Dhaka Home economics college a pora. Er por ami bollam, ami jachi bandorbon gurta.Kothay jabo uthbo akhon o tik kori nei. Ay vaba golpo joma uthlo. Bus comilla giya Nurjahan a thamlo. Amra 2 jon ak satha namlam & duporar kauya kalam. Ami jor kora or bill ta dilam.O kicu ta e raji hochilo na. Ami bollam pora apni kauyaban(mona mona bollam pora tur dud kabo).Rastay cilo prochondo Jam. Ar maja amra kotha bolta bolta tired hoya rest nichilam. Tokhon bus er light bondho kora diyacha. Ami gum er van kora achi ar o gumiya poracha. Ami gum er gora e dakalam or dud er upor akta hat fallam. O sa vaba e gumiya acha. Bra er ostitto amar hat sporso korlo.Kintu dud tipar khub sok hochilo. Kintu sahos hochilo na.Ak somoy or gum vanglo.Aktu nora dita e amar hat sora galo. Amar hat sora jata e,ami uthachi amon vab korlam. Ami besh ososti ta porachi amon vab dorlam. O bapar ta ka na bujar van kora bollo,ami aj basay jabo ki kora?Bus tu pouchta pouchta rat 1-2ta bajba. Ami bollam,apni apner bari jachan,ar ami jachi oporichito jaygay,amar ki hoba?O bollo dakhi akta kicu tu hoba e.Er por amra kotha bolta bolta baki ta rasta par korlam. Akhana bolar opakha rakha na,amar satha mayatar khub e vab hoya galo. Amara dujona e nijader nana kotha share korlam. Dakha galo onak bapara e,amader dujonar bes mil(Bola rakha valo,mil gulo amar created).Amra jokhon bandorbon puchlam,tokhon rat baja 1.30!So,abar o porlo tension a ki kora ruma jaba, ar ami kothay jabo.Ato rata actually, ami nija o osohay bod korchilam. Ami bollam, kothay o hotel ki pauya jaba na?O bollo,ta te tu apner problem solve holo, amar ki hoba?Ami bollam, apni akta room niya nan.Sokala chola jaban. Bollo,ay tuku ki bujta parchan,akta mayar jonno,aka akta room, koto ta nirapod!Ami tokhon mona mona bolchi,tahola amra ak room a thaki?Kintu,sai kotha ta e or muk diya ber hoya aslo. Bollo,amra 2 jon e educated & amra,amon kicu korbona,jata problem create hoy.So,ak kaj kora jata para,amra hotel a sami estrir porichoy diya uthi.Onak upojati maya e,bangali biya kora. Ar sa katra,bari ta problem er karona,hotel a thakta e para. So,nirapottar problem o thaklo na. Ar ami na hoy nicha e sulam!Ami bollam,that's fair enough. Cholun.Ar por,akta hotel a giya onak kosta gum vangalam. Ora nana question korlo. Bollam,amader biya or family thaka mana nay ni. Kintu o baba ma ka aktu dur thaka hola o dakta chay. Sai jonno asa. Hotel er lok tar doya holo,sa nija o chilo bangali. Sa amader akta room dilo. Tokhon pray 2.30 baja gacha.amra 2 jona e tired. Kicu kauyar kotha e ar bollam na. Jodi o kida lagachilo.Ay cold obhouyay,abar kauyar jonno baira jata raji chilam na. Ar rastay,tuk tak onak kicu e kayachi.
Hat muk,duya asar por,abar problem suru holo,thaka niya.Ami bollam,ami nicha subo.O bollo,na ami aga e bolachi. So,problem!O bollo,ay sitar moddha,nicha sula apni mara jaban. Ami bollam,apni ki bacha thakban?Sas porjonto decesion holo,dui jona e khat a subo.Dui pasa. bangladeshchoti.blogspot.com jonno jokhon ay choti likchi,sai dinar kotha mona hoya,suna abar dariya jacha.Tahola cinta koran,amar tokhon ki obosta. Kintu ami mukha sob somoy e vodro. Tai,or mana kono question e jaglo na.Light jalano thakla 2 jonar e gumar problem hoy. So,light nivalam.Akta lap.dujona vaga vagi kora gaya dilam.Amar tu suna jaga acha. tai gum er question e asa na. Jodi o ami o pochondo tired. Kicukhon pora e daklam,or gumar nisas & tar kichukhon por amar dika fira sulo. Ami o gumar van kora or dika sulam & akta hat or gaya uthiya dilam. Ami er por o jokhon daklam, kono kicu bolcha na.ami kol balis er moto kora oke joriya dorlam(Jodi kicu bola,tahola bolbo,ami kol balis niya gumanor baja ovas er karona amon hoyacha).tao kicu bola na. Er por asta asta aro gonisto holam. Or mukha akta kiss korlam,er por dut a.kono sara sobdo nei.Amar tokhon mona holo,o jaga thaka o gum er van korcha.Ami er por akta hat or sunar modha diya asta asta sona message korta laglam & ta korlam,pajamar upor diya.Onakkhon korar por buja galo or sex bara gacha.Jora jora nisas nicha.ami tokhon prothom ber er moto or dud a hat dilam. Mama ki bolbo,choto choto duk.Asta asta dud jora tipa suru korlam. er por aro sohosi holam(er maja e amar sunar obosta karap,saradin er journy er por suna mal dala dita caicha).Or chilo,samnar dika huk ala jama.Ami jamar huk kula fallam.Akhon sudhu bra er upor diya tipchi.Amar sunar mal r rakta parlam na.Aktu gonisto hoya mal fala dilam.Kintu amar tokhon iccha,ditio ber falbo. er por,bra thaka dud ber kora chusta laglam. Tokhon ak ber mal ber hoya gacha.Suna o daray nei puro.Ami tao chusa jata thaklam. O kintu still gum er van kora acha. But,nisas a bujta parchi,obosta karap.Ami 2 ta dud e chusa jata thaklam.Ak dud chusi tu arak dud,hat diya jora jora tipchi.Onak khon chusar por,amar suna abar responce korta suru korlo. Abar ar amaka ka pay.Ami pajama er dika nojor dilam.Pajama jokhon kula falachi,tokhon e o vab dakhalo,or gum vanga gacha.Ami tokhon or dut duita chusar suru korlam,oke kono sujon na diya e. Kintu o aktu na na korchilo.Ami tokhon kono badha na mana amar suna or sunay set koray basto.O tamon kono badha e ar dilo na. Er por suru holo chuda.Amar suna tokhon 2 gun taji.Karon,akber mal out kora falacha.Suna dukata aktu kosto holo. Er por,jai dukalam,tokhon e suru holo,chuda & o responce korta thaklo. Er por ami tu jora jora chuda e jachi, kintu o ar nita parcha na.Karon,ami tu akber mal falachi.O kintu ta kora nei.O bolcha,aktu asta.Ka suna kar kotha.Chorom chuda & dud kauya cholcha.Ak somoy,amar mal out holo & ami nistaj hoya suya porlam. Kintu ami er por o,oke ador korlam. O bollo,ata ki holo. Ami bollam,Ami manus tu. Chumbuk loha ka tanba e. O bollo,bod hoy. Er por bollo,vitora ja falla,jodi kicu hoy.Ami bollam,ami achi na?Tumi ki amaka karap chalader moto vabo!O bollo,na ami jani tumi ta na!ay bola amaka ador korlo. Ami bujlam,kida pata 3rd dofa suru korta hoba!Notun mal. Na o korta pari na.Ami bollam,abar kintu amra 2 jon 2 jon ka dakbo.Dakha korbo. O bollo,na amar lojja korba. Ami bollam kicu hoba na. Ay bola light jalalam.Suru holo 3 rd time. Ami prothom ador korlam. Er por oke puro nogno korlam. Jama puro kolalam. Puro jogno obostay,or sara sorir chusa suru korlam. Mul thaka suru kora pa porjonto. Er por dud chuslam. Choto choto komola labur moto dud. Chusta ja ki maja, na chusla buja jay na. Er por,or vuda chusa suru korlam(Mama ra bola rakhi,chakma mayader vuda chusta jaban na.Oder vuda gondho!). Gondho vuda o valo kora chusa abar bollam, amar suna chusa dau. Ami onak hoya daklam, o suna chusay expert. Amar suna chusa e amar mal abar falanor dosa koracha. Jai hok, er por abar lagalam, onak khon dora. Pora dui jona ak satha gusol korlam sitar modha. Kintu sit korchilo na. 3 ber mal fala,gorom er vap uthchilo.er maja e pakhi daka suru korlo. O tara tari,ready hoya bollo,cholo,akhan thaka ber hoya pori,noyto,jana jani hoya jaba.Akhana bola rakha valo,o bandorban a or vul address diyachilo. Ami o Dhakar akta vuya address diyachilam. Sokal er ber hoya giya o birombona.Hotel er lok ta sondaho korlo. Bollo,ato sokal koi jan. AMi bollam, onak vitora tu,tai sokala jauya e valo. Ay bola ber hoya aslam.Sitar modha kapta kapta rouna dilam. Sabar bandorbona, oke total 7 din lagiya chilam. Bandorban thaka asar por o dhaka ta o oke lagiyachi. Akhon oboso somporko nei. Sata vinno kahini. Jai hok,akhon o amar mona hoy, chakma chudar moja e alada!!!

Sex with my servant Shanthi

Hello! Friends this is a true story, which happened in Dhaka. I am 28 male I work for a co. There now coming to the point I had haired a flat in Baily road and use to stay alone it was almost 2weeks past I was telling every one that I need some one to cook at my place & there was no reply or nobody took it seriously. I had shifted from Chittagong. One day a lady came in morning telling that the shop keeper referred that you need a cook I so I told her come inside she was around 32yrs with 2 Childers she was Slim fair .

She told that the children are in BOrisal and she has come to Dhaka to work & serve her family she was a Widow her husband had fast 10 years ago she had to work for her family so I ask her what salary will be fine with her to cook clean & keep the house good. She told she is new to Dhaka and also had to find a home so she need 2k I asked her now where she was leavening she told she will be coming from Dhaka. Shanthi was a very shy lady I told her that she can come in morning & go in the evening she agreed and asked if I can provide a place so she can stay near to my home I told her for time been she can stay at my place which she agreed & her payment was fixed at 1.5k she told she will be joining from tomorrow as she will bring the luggage by today evening and she left

In the evening she came around 7.p.m I had just come from office she ask where can I keep the luggage I told her as I have 2 bed room she can keep it in one bed room adjoined to mine as they will be only me in the home she was very much comfortable she started her house hold work she use to cook very good I use to always enjoy her food and the house was clean my dress where washed & ironed every days as if my wife has come I never had a feel of sex with her she was like a friend with me watching TV with me coming to market for buying vegetables every thing was very good & I was very happy .

This happened after 1 months Shanthi took her salary and told that she want to send it to her children’s I told ok she told she want to come on my bike till the post office I agreed and we both where going suddenly she holed my laps and I felt a shock in my body her had was near my cock I felt really good my feels and desire woke up for sex but I was ridding the bike & her boobs where touching my back some have I managed and we reached post office she didn’t know to write so I helped her it got through I told her now she can go home alone she told she can’t as she didn’t understand the road. Then I told ok I will droop you to home she smiled & sat now her hand was on my stomach & she was still closed as before she body was touching my back and guy she was so hot my body was full of temptations of having her but I never knew what she will feel so I enjoyed the ride & reached home
After reaching home I did my hand job & went back to my office

I reached home around 6:30 Shanthi gave me cup of tea and thanked me for the help and gave me smile she was looking cute now I asked her what she will cook to thank me she told u ask what you want I will give you every thing I just kept Quite now I was still in the hall & needed some cigarettes I don’t know where she had kept so I went to see what she was doing. The movement I entered I saw her sari was leaning on the chair I shouted where are you she replied that she in bath room having bath I took her sari in my hand I was feeling aging horny now my devil mined said that I shroud see this Queen how she looks nude so I just went near the window from there I could see she was having bath she was completely nude clean ambit no hairs and her pussy was hairy soft legs she was looking great suddenly I thought in my mind that if she come to know she will leave the job so lets be cool wait for a opportunity so I came to hall and started to smoke now she came and asked if I get my cigarettes I asked her why did she have bath in the evening she told that there was no power and she had sweated a lot so had to have bath I told ok I moved to watch TV she was in kitchen I was watching Zee MGM there was a lovely move coming in that I was just watching after that Shanthi came and there was a seine in TV a man kissing & having sex with a female Shanthi saw me seeing that she asked why do u watch such a movies its not good I asked her u don’t like she told its sin to watch I told her there are lots of bad moved & worse then this she asked what will be there in those one I asked her if she wanted to watch she told no . hearing this I felt sad and we both went had out dinner Shanthi asked again what will be worse then those movie I said wait I will show and took a blue film from my cupboard and showed her on my computer she was seeing 2 guys having sex with a single female she was giving blow job she was now very hot and never spoke any thing watching the moves I slowly touched her boobs from back she didn’t say any thing I got bold & removed her sari Palo & stared to kiss her neck and bit her ears & lick them removed her hairs now suddenly she got up I thought she will scold me she saw my eyes and asked will you give me my happiness which I lost for 10yrs after her hubby I smiled and said yes she kissed my chest removed my shirt and I picked her up & laid her on my bed she unzipped my pant & give me a good blow job I enjoyed it the I sucked my pussy teased her cum wow now guys its my turn to have it inside I put some cream & inserted inside she had a tight pussy it was very difficult for us we both where enjoying the pain and I fucked her till 3a.m I filled her pussy with my cum she was crying with the pain we had trice that day and later on we had every day she was like a wife for me we both use to sleep nude

And I got a couple friend with whom we enjoyed group fun Shanthi me & the couples all where in haven for 2days sataday & Sunday now I have been shifted from dhaka to chitagong back I visit dhaka,RAjshahi,cumilla every month in my new job now Shanthi is working with my couple friends home they enjoy it as I was enjoying

Hello! Friends this is a true story, which happened in Dhaka. I am 28 male I work for a co. There now coming to the point I had haired a flat in Baily road and use to stay alone it was almost 2weeks past I was telling every one that I need some one to cook at my place & there was no reply or nobody took it seriously. I had shifted from Chittagong. One day a lady came in morning telling that the shop keeper referred that you need a cook I so I told her come inside she was around 32yrs with 2 Childers she was Slim fair .

She told that the children are in BOrisal and she has come to Dhaka to work & serve her family she was a Widow her husband had fast 10 years ago she had to work for her family so I ask her what salary will be fine with her to cook clean & keep the house good. She told she is new to Dhaka and also had to find a home so she need 2k I asked her now where she was leavening she told she will be coming from Dhaka. Shanthi was a very shy lady I told her that she can come in morning & go in the evening she agreed and asked if I can provide a place so she can stay near to my home I told her for time been she can stay at my place which she agreed & her payment was fixed at 1.5k she told she will be joining from tomorrow as she will bring the luggage by today evening and she left

In the evening she came around 7.p.m I had just come from office she ask where can I keep the luggage I told her as I have 2 bed room she can keep it in one bed room adjoined to mine as they will be only me in the home she was very much comfortable she started her house hold work she use to cook very good I use to always enjoy her food and the house was clean my dress where washed & ironed every days as if my wife has come I never had a feel of sex with her she was like a friend with me watching TV with me coming to market for buying vegetables every thing was very good & I was very happy .

This happened after 1 months Shanthi took her salary and told that she want to send it to her children’s I told ok she told she want to come on my bike till the post office I agreed and we both where going suddenly she holed my laps and I felt a shock in my body her had was near my cock I felt really good my feels and desire woke up for sex but I was ridding the bike & her boobs where touching my back some have I managed and we reached post office she didn’t know to write so I helped her it got through I told her now she can go home alone she told she can’t as she didn’t understand the road. Then I told ok I will droop you to home she smiled & sat now her hand was on my stomach & she was still closed as before she body was touching my back and guy she was so hot my body was full of temptations of having her but I never knew what she will feel so I enjoyed the ride & reached home
After reaching home I did my hand job & went back to my office

I reached home around 6:30 Shanthi gave me cup of tea and thanked me for the help and gave me smile she was looking cute now I asked her what she will cook to thank me she told u ask what you want I will give you every thing I just kept Quite now I was still in the hall & needed some cigarettes I don’t know where she had kept so I went to see what she was doing. The movement I entered I saw her sari was leaning on the chair I shouted where are you she replied that she in bath room having bath I took her sari in my hand I was feeling aging horny now my devil mined said that I shroud see this Queen how she looks nude so I just went near the window from there I could see she was having bath she was completely nude clean ambit no hairs and her pussy was hairy soft legs she was looking great suddenly I thought in my mind that if she come to know she will leave the job so lets be cool wait for a opportunity so I came to hall and started to smoke now she came and asked if I get my cigarettes I asked her why did she have bath in the evening she told that there was no power and she had sweated a lot so had to have bath I told ok I moved to watch TV she was in kitchen I was watching Zee MGM there was a lovely move coming in that I was just watching after that Shanthi came and there was a seine in TV a man kissing & having sex with a female Shanthi saw me seeing that she asked why do u watch such a movies its not good I asked her u don’t like she told its sin to watch I told her there are lots of bad moved & worse then this she asked what will be there in those one I asked her if she wanted to watch she told no . hearing this I felt sad and we both went had out dinner Shanthi asked again what will be worse then those movie I said wait I will show and took a blue film from my cupboard and showed her on my computer she was seeing 2 guys having sex with a single female she was giving blow job she was now very hot and never spoke any thing watching the moves I slowly touched her boobs from back she didn’t say any thing I got bold & removed her sari Palo & stared to kiss her neck and bit her ears & lick them removed her hairs now suddenly she got up I thought she will scold me she saw my eyes and asked will you give me my happiness which I lost for 10yrs after her hubby I smiled and said yes she kissed my chest removed my shirt and I picked her up & laid her on my bed she unzipped my pant & give me a good blow job I enjoyed it the I sucked my pussy teased her cum wow now guys its my turn to have it inside I put some cream & inserted inside she had a tight pussy it was very difficult for us we both where enjoying the pain and I fucked her till 3a.m I filled her pussy with my cum she was crying with the pain we had trice that day and later on we had every day she was like a wife for me we both use to sleep nude

And I got a couple friend with whom we enjoyed group fun Shanthi me & the couples all where in haven for 2days sataday & Sunday now I have been shifted from dhaka to chitagong back I visit dhaka,RAjshahi,cumilla every month in my new job now Shanthi is working with my couple friends home they enjoy it as I was enjoying


Kibhabe shuru korbo bujte parsi na. Tuli'r kahini ta boli. kotha theke shuru kora jai? Ny te jawa diye shuru kori.
Ei summer e ki korbo bujte parsilam na. Bashai phone korlam, fufu chilo. unar chele thake NY te. Sahin bhai. fufu bollo ja sahiner basha theke ghure ai. ami sahin bhaike call korlam, sahin bhai bollo "asho ghure jao." Visa face korlam, ticket kinlam besh bhalo jamela holo. tarpore July r 2 tarikhe plane e kore shoja ny.
Airport e sahin bhai, unar garite kore unar flat e hajir holam. door bell bajate bhabi dorja khule dilo. Sahin bhayer biye hoyese tin bosor, ami tokhon bd te chilam. besh dhum dham. bhabi besh shundori. bhabir namta shundor, tuli. bhabi to amake dekhe khusi, sei biyer shomoi dekha hoyesilo tarpore ar dekha hoi ni.
bashai kheye deye rest nissilam. Sahin bhayer to bishal business NY te uni nijer office e chutlen. Bhabi TV dekhchilo, amio join korlam. ki ekta comedy movie dekhasse. dekhte dekhte haschilam ar golpo korsilam. ajker dine khub tired, ghumano dorkar. rate sahin bhai aslo, kheye deye ghumate gelam.
pordin bhore bhabi ese amake daksilo. ami ki jeno ekta shopno dekhsilam, bhabi besh khanikhkhon dhore guta disse, ami ektu dustumi korar jonno ghumber bhan dhore pore asi. bhabi to dekhi besh jore jore dhakka disse. ami ghumer bhan kore dilam ek tan, bhabi amar upore pore gelo. eto jore porlo je ami upsss kore sound kore uthlam. bhabio besh bibroto. Bollo besh dustu hoyeso to, joldi utho. breakfast ready. Breakfast table e ese dekhi sahin bhai boshe ase, ekdom ready hoye. bollo " ami to office e jassi, onek kaj. tuli tomake shob kisu ghuriye dekhabe." ami to besh khusi, baparta mondo hochche na.
Ektu porei bhabi gutate laglo, jao shower koro ber hobo. bathroom ekta. duijon kibhabe shower kori. ami bollam "tumi age jao, ami pore korsi." Tuli gosol kore ber holo. oke dekhe to chokh chorokgas. eki abosta. ekta maxi type kisu porese, bhitore bra nei buja jasse. ektu bhije ase jamata. ami dekhe obak. bhabi je eto sexy ami age bhabi ni. kokhono unake oi chokheo dekhi ni. ami kisutei chokh shorate parsi na. mukho kisuta ha hoye gese. eto shundor boro boro dudh, shoru komor, ar bhorat pasa. jeno kono apshori. bhabi chul theke towel ta khule chul gula ekta nara dilo, amar buker modhdhe khoch kore uthlo. ar amar bara ta tatiye uthlo. eta size e ektu beshi e boro, dariye gele ashshosti lage. underwear pori ni, trouser ucha hoye ase. bhabi bollo " emon ha kore ki dekhso? jao gosol koro." bole ekta muchki hasi diye nijer room r dike chole gelo. ami ki korbo bujte na pere pise pise gelam. dorjata chapano, kintu bondho na. bhabi prothome chul gula muslen, tarpore almari theke ekta jeans ar top ber korlen. almarir ekta drwaer theke khub shundor ekta white bra, ar pink panty ber hoye aslo. ami to obak. ekhon ki egula porbe naki?
bhabte na bhabtei dekhi show shuru hoye gese. bhabi maxi ta khule fellen. amar dike peson fire asen. tai forsha pith ar mangshol pasa chara kisu dekha jasse na. ami khali pray korsilam jate ekbar ghure. bhabi age panty ta pore nilo. shundor pasa ta panty'r bhitor hariye gelo. tarpore bra ta. bra pore huk bedhe fello. amar ar shundor dudh gula dekha holo na. bujlam ar kisu dekhar nei, kajei gosol korte jawa uchit. gosol korte giye dekhi bara moharaj je dariye asen kisutei namse na. NY te esechi matro ekdin. ekhon ki khecha thik hobe?
shaban lagiye moner sukhe tuli'r kotha bhabsi ar khechchi. hotat dorjai knock r shobdo. " Ei sohan kotokhkhon lagbe, joldi koro" kemon lage mejajta. shanti moto ektu khechteo parbo na. dhur chai. "aschiiiiiiiiiii" bole chitkar kore towel diye ga muse ota joriyei ber hoye elam. tuli dekhi dorjar baire dariye ase. hoyese kaj, abar amar bara thatiye uthlo, ekhon ki kori, towel purata ucha hoye ase. Tuli amake kisu bolte giyeo bolte parlo na, se nicher dike takiye ase. tar chokh follow kore dekhi amar dustu danobta ekdom fule fepe ase. towala shoriye tar ordheker beshi dekha jasse. ami besh lojjar modhdhe porlam. tuli fosh kore bole boshlo " oma, tomarta eto boro keno?" ami ki bolbo bujte parsilam na, konorokome dheke teke bollam, "keno sahin bhayerta ki boro na?" tuli jeno bhebachaka khelo, or mukhta kalo hoye gese. bujte parlam, sahin bhaike dekhle jotota fit lage ashole ta na. Tuli kotha bollo na, mon kharap kore nijer room e chole gelo.
Ami bhablam ar kisu bola thik hobe na. ready hoye oke daklam. o mone hoi shamle niyese. Duijon mile subway'r ticket katlam. Brooklyn theke brooks, tarpore queens tarpore manhattan. ekdine eto ghure ghure tired hoye gelam. manhattan je emon prochondo busy ta sudhu age poresi, dekhe to chokh kopale uthlo. e dekhi londoner dosh gun beshi busy. gari jeno cholsei na. jai hok, bikaler dike basai aslam. tuli'r sathe rastai onek kotha hoyese. besh friend friend bhab. ekjon arekjonke nam dhore daksi. besh hasi tamashao korsi.
pordin sahin bhai breakfast table e bollen, "ami ektu business r kaje Los Angles e jabo, kalke rate firbo. Tuli tomake shob kisu ghuriye dekhabe chinta koro na. ami ese porle shobai mile disneyland jabo." Ami mone mone besh khusi e holam. tuli kisu bolsilo na, se jeno nijer mone ki jeno bhabse. ektu pore gosol korar pala. sahin bhai rowna diye dilo. tuli bollo ajke tumi age gosol korte jao. ami kono kotha na bole shoja gosol korte gelam. shower korsi, emon shomoi dorjai knock. ami obak hoye bollam, " ki hoyese tuli?" tuli bollo ektu dorja kholo to. ami towel ta joriye dorja khulei obak. tuli ekta bishal towel pore amar shamne dariye ase. mukhe kemon jeno ekta ghor laga bhab. o je ki chasse ami kisu bujte parsi na. o bollo, " ami tomar sathe shower nile ki mind korbe?" ami kotha khuje pelam na, matha nere na bollam. o bhitore dhuke gelo. dorja laganor kono dorkar nei, dorja khola. bollam shower korbe naki bath? bath tub ta besh boro chilo. tuli bollo shower nei age. ami shower ta chere dilam. tuli towel ta khule rekhe dilo. ei prothom or dudh dekhte parsilam. emon shundor forsha meye, tos tose dudh. ami onek dudh dekhesi, kintu pink nipple dekhi ni bangali meyeder, ei prothom dekhlam. tulir dike ekta hat bariye dilam, o hatta dhorlo. ami oke tene shower r niche anlam. o amake joriye dhorlo. bollo "Sohan ami ar pari na, protidin rate sei ek kosto. o amake jaliye dei, kintu nibhate pare na." bolei o kede dilo. ami ki korbo bujte parsi na. oke aste kore buke joriye dhorlam. tarpore kane kane fish fish kore bollam, "kado keno boka meye, ami asi to. tomar shob jala nibhiye dibo." or chokh musiye or dike takalam. o chokh nichu korea se, jeno lojja passe. ami aste kore or thote thot rakhlam. o jeno kepe uthlo. ot toungue ta amar mukher bhitore tene nilam. tarpore aste aste koyekta kamor dilam. amar dan hatta je or bam dudher upore chole gese ta ter e pai ni. norom dudhta hater niche peye aste aste tipsi. ar bam hat diye or pasa. eto norom dudh or. tobe or buk beshi boro hobe na. 34d or something like that. mone hoi sahin bhai shotti or khub ekta jotno nei na. or komore halka chorbi ase. amar lowho donde ekta norom hater sporsho pelam. choke dekhi tuli ota dhorese. or mukhe kemon jeno ekta onnorokom hasi, kono bachcha shundor ekta khelna pele jemon khusi hoi temon. ei prothom nijer bishal dondotar jonno amar gorbho hochcilo. ami besh kisukhkhon kiss korar pore bujlam, o horny hoye jasse. guder dike takiye dekhi besh khocha khocha bal. besh kisudin age shave korese bujai jasse. ami ekta angul dhukiye dilam. o jeno kepe uthlo ditibarer moto. ami obak hoye dekhi gud ekdom bhije ase. ei shujog. ami bollam, " choto bisanai jai." o kono kotha bolsilo na. oke kole tule nilam. eto halka ekta shorir, jeno ekta pichchi meye. oke bisanai shuiye dilam. bishanai pani lege gelo. Who cares???????? ekhon kono kisu dekhar time nei.
oke bisanai shuiye prothomei kisukhkhon kiss kore nilam. oke kiss korle kemon jeno onnorokom hoye jai. aste aste dudh tipsilam, ebar mukh lagalam. nipple gula ja shokto hoye ase. aste aste suck kora shuru korlam. ekta kamor o dilam. tuli jeno kemon korsilo. khali amar danda ta dhorar chesta korse. o mone hoi jibone eto boro danda dekhe ni. ami dudh duta ichcha moto tipe, nipple chuse lal kore diye niche neme aslam. gudta jebhabe bhije ase, eta suck kora thik hobe kina bujsi na. ami oke ask korlam, "suck korbo?" o kisu bolse na, mone hoi lojja pelo. ami ar kisu na bhebe pa duta fak kore nilam. tarpore clitoris e age jibh lagalam. eibar o jeno chitke uthlo. konodin keo okhane touch kore ni eta bujte deri holo na. ami clitoris ta jibh diye aste aste narsi, ar jeno chot fot korse. mukh diye ahhhh, uuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhh, aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh gonganir shobdo beriye asche. o dui hate bisanar chador khamche dhore ase. pa gula ebhabe nachchache jeno oke keo jobai korse. ami to pura excited hoye gesi. eto meyer vagina suck korlam, keo to emon kore ni. ei meyer problem ta ki. hotat tuli amar chul dui hate khamche dhore or gude mukh chepe dhorlo. bujte parsi ki hote jasse. ami choshar speed bariye dilam, sathe sathe o komor tule dui tinta jhaki dilo. diye ekdom chup chap. gol gol kore or rosh jorse. ami ektu chete nilam. meyer rosh diye shob shomoi emon aste ekta gondho ase je nake lage. tao suck korar shomoi eto bhalo lage je nijeke atke rakhte pari na. nonta roshta besh kisukhkhon jibh diye chatlam. tuli ar norse na, ekdom chup chap. gola diye ghor ghor sound ber hochche. ami uthe ese oke kiss korlam. o respoce korlo. amakeo kiss korlo. Kane kase fish fish kore bollam, "kemon lagse tuli?" tuli bollo, "tumi etodin aso ni keno? etodin koi chile? ami tomake ar charbo na, tumi kothao jete parbe na. " ami bujte parsi meyeta pagol hoye jasse. etodiner ajana sukh hotat peye gese, ekhono je koto baki ota to janei na. ami bollam, "amarta ektu suck kore dibe?" o mone hoi beparta posondo kore na, amio jora jori korlam na. bangali meyera suck korte chai na. onek purono shotto.
ami oke bollam dhukabo? o matha nere ha bollo. ami aste kore pa duta fak korlam. gude barata dhukate giye bujlam or biye holeo sahin bhayer karon etar khub ekta sodbabohar hoi ni. amar bishal bara khub sohoje dhukbe na. ami or komorer niche ekta balish dilam, eku olive oil mekhe nilam barate. tarpore or guder mukhe set kore aste aste thap dilam. or pa duta dui dike jotota pari choriye rekhesi. ektu chap ditei mundi ta dhuke gelo. tuli emon chot fot shuru korlo jeno keo or gude gujal dhukasse. ami bujlam eke beshi shomoi dewa jabe na. besh jore jore thap marte laglam. ordheker moto dhuke gese. tuli chechiye uthlo, "eta ki korso, amar gud chire jasse. please ar na, ber koro, please ber koro. ami ar parsi na. sohan, please stop it." amake tokhon keo thakate parbe na. ami jore ek ram thap diye pura barata gude chalan kore dilam. tuli bishal ekta chitkar kore jeno senceless hoye gelo. r pore to amar pala. ami chudte shuru korlam. prothome aste aste tarpore jore jore thap. or betha mone hoi kome gese, o nicher theke tol thap dissilo. aste aste komor uthasse. gudtao besh ektu dhila hoye gese. etokhkhon jeno barata kamre rekhese. eto tight pussy beshikhkhon mara jabe na, borojor dosh ponero minute. ami aste aste thap dissi. maje maje speed barassi. tuli kisukhkhon porei shitkar shuru kore dilo, "ahhh oooohhhhh aro jore, sohan jore jore koro, pleaseeeeeeeeeee, arektu jore dao na, arektu jore koro, please sohan, amake ektu shanti dao, arektu jore. o magooooooooooooo, eta ki korso. ahhhhhhhh ohhhhhhhhhhhhh iiiiiiiiiiiiiihhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." tuli'r sound shune ami eto horny hoye gelam, nijeke ar shamlate parsilam na. amar mukh chute gelo, "tuli tumi eto sexy tomake dekhe shob shomoi amar bara dariye jai. aj tomake moner sukhe chudbo, amar onek diner sokh. aj tomar gud pathabo." tuli bole uthlo, " chudo chudo jore jore koro, tomar ja ichcha koro, amake chibiye kheye felo. amar gud fatiye dao." ami chibanor kotha shune kheyal korlam or nipple gula amar jonno wait korse. ami or upore shuye pore nipple suck korsi ar aste aste thap dissi. totokhkhone gud besh dhila hoye gese. position change kora dorkar noile mal out hoye jabe. ami or gud theke barata ber kortei o emon ekta bhab kore uthlo jeno or bhitor theke keo or gorbhasoi ta chire ber kore anse. amar barata ekdom roshe bhija ogni murtir moto akar dharon korese. jeno rokte snan kora khola tolowar. ami bollam, "tuli utho to doggy korbo." o mone hoi buje nai doggy ki. bokar moto takai ase. ami tokhon bujai dilam. o hamaguri diye rooilo, ami pisone chole gelam. gud ta besh bhije ase ekhono bara dhukate ar khub ekta kosto holo na. ebar ar amake pai ke. prothome choto choto koita thap dilam. tarpore dui hate komor dhore ram thap. thaper pore thap. tuli mukh theke ahhh uhhhhhhhh aaaaaaahhhhhhhh uhhhhhhhhhhhh chara ar kono sobdo ber hochche na. o je sukher ghore pagol hoye gese ami bujte parsilam. amar tokhon prai hoye jasse bujte parsilam. tara tari oke doggy position theke normal position e niye aslam. oke shora shori ask korlam, " mal kothai felbo." o bole, "bhitore felo, pleaseeeeeee" amake ar pai ke. gude mal felar chaite mojar kisu nei. ami ektu wai kore or gudta amar thik moto position kore nilam. tarpore bara dhukiye thap. ebar jeno ghorai choresi, tog bog tog bog. gud bishal boro hoye gese. pokat pokat, bhosh bosh sound ar bishal bichi gude bari khawar shobdo. jeno shobde shobe duniya bhore gese. tuli abar chitkar kore bollo, "ahhhhhhhhhhh sohannnnnnnnnnnnn amar hoye jaseeeeeeeeeee, ami gesiiiiiiiiiiiiii." bolei o kepe uthlo. gudta ekdom bhije jasse ter pelam. or abar orgasm hoye gese. ebar amar pala. jore jore thap dite dite, amar chokh mukh ondhokar hoye jassilo. ami ar parlam na, nicher thote kamor diye dilam ek ram thap. ar ki, ami kepe uthlam. barata kapse tir tir kore. kapte kapte or buke shuye porlam. bujte parsi gud pura bhore gese male. kotodin pore je chudlam, gunte gele mone hoi gunai bhule jabo. barata ber kore nilam. gud theke mal porse. amar birjo, tulir rosh. bisana bhijte laglo. ami chadorta diye aste kore muse dilam.
tulir chokh bondho. or kaner kase fish fish kore bollam, " ki bhabi, kemon aso?" tuli jeno lojja pelo, " ektu muchki hese bollo, bhalo asi. Tumi kemon?" ammi bollam, " sukhe asi bhabi, ny je eto shundor jaiga ami age buji ni." bhabi bollo, "Ifle tower ta khub shundor. etodin je dekhi ni ejonno afsos hochche. kisudin age pele hoito aro bhalo hoto." duijon mile besh kisukhkhon hasa hasi korlam.
Baki dingula jeno ure ure kete gelo. tuli ke diye ami thiki suck koriye nilam ekdin. two weeks pore or preiod suru holo, tokhon amra sudhu kiss kortam. tuli mone hoi amar premei pore giyesilo. ami asar shomoi ki kanna kati. sahin bhai to pura obak, bollo ghotona ki? ebhabe kadso keno? uni to ar jane na ghotona ta kondike ghotese. ami tin mash pore khobor pelam je tuli pregnant hoye gese. ami phone koresilam. o besh lajuk golai bollo, "Thanks sohan, thanks for everything." Ami ektu hese answer koresilam, " U are always welcome

"sonia" amar classmate

Ghotona ghotechilo jokhon ami school e class 10 e ortam…….Amader school ta chilo co-ed system er,chele meye shobai ek shathey porto. Amar prai onek chele abong meye friend chilo class e…….Amra shob chele friend ra kortam ki class er hot meyeder dike takai thaktam ar ijeder dhon khara koraitam……Tarpor dekhtam je pant er upor diye kar dhon koto khara hoise……..Onek meye friend der keo khaitam,ora mind korto na……English medium school er meyera to bujhtei partesen beparta…..Amader school er meyera abar short skirt ar shirt porto…..Oi uniform e oderke aro hot lagto….Ekbar hoise ki school e porikkha choltesilo……….Amra shobai exam hall e porikkha dicchilam ar amar pasher bench e amar ek meye hi-hello friend boshe exam dicchilo……Meyer chehara ta mota moti choley but or figure jozz chilo…..Hoise ki oi meye amar picchoner bench er ek meyer kach theke notes pass kortesilo exam er shomoi…….Nokol korar cheshta kortesilo arki……Hotath dekhi ki examiner or nam dhorey shout korey uthsey onek durer thikey,prai 8-10 ta bench dur thekey…… Examiner mone hoi bujhe gesilo je o nokol kortese…. Examiner dekhi or dikey ashchey……..Oi meye to adik odik takacchey ar chinta korchey je ki korbey nokol gula niye……Ami or dikey taratari takai oke eshara korlam je amar kase notes gula diye ditey……..O chot pot korey tai korlo……Bhaggo bhalo examiner nokol len den er shomoi dekhey nai amaderkey karon oi beta onek gula bench ghure or kase ashtesilo… Boro exam hall to…….Jai hok examiner beta oi meyer kacche eshey onek shondehojonok bhabe or exam paper check korar por kicchu pelo na……Meye tarpor amake astey korey thanks dilo examiner choley jawar por……Oi meye examiner er kasey nokol niye dhora khele examiner oke ontoto 10 din er jonno suspend korto….Taholey to or pura mid term exam miss jaito……..Tarpor o abar o amar thike oi nokol gula niye porikkha shundor bhabe,nokol kore diye exam hall theke beriye gelo……Jabar shomoi amake aste kore bollo je or shathe jeno ami amar porikkha shesh howar por dekha kori,bathroom er shamne…..Ami mone korlam meye mone hoi thanks-tanks dibe ei jonno dekha korte bollo amakey…..
Ohhho….Ekta kotha to bolte bhuley gechi etokkhon…….Oi meyer nam e bola hoini apnader key…….Or nam hocche Sonia
Jai hok exam shesh korar por exam hall theke ber howe shoja bathroom er dike gelam Sonia r khojey……Amader exam hall er bathroom ta chilo ektu durey…..Hall theke ber howe ekta passage cross kore ekta baranda par korey tarpor bathroom obosthitho…..Ashol kotha hocche je exam hall theke bathroom dekha jai na ekdom……Jai hok bathroom er shamne giye to amar chokh chana bora howe gelo….Dekhi ki oi meye or shundor kalo chul accrachey bathroom er mirror er shamney…..Bathroom er dorja kholai rakhsey o….Chul achranor shomoi oke ja sexy lagtesilo na…….Or boro boro dudh gulo school er uniform er uporey shokto howe chilo…….Sonia ke ji ki heavenly lagtesilo tokhon,shirt ar skirt pora obosthai……Or sexy shaved paa gulao jozz lagtesilo skirt er niche diye…..Aishob dekhe to amar dhon khara howa shuru hoilo…….O mone hoi ami aschi je kheyal koreni…..O dekhi tarpor chul hair clip diye bedhe ekta brown lipstick lagailo or norom thotey…..Oke aro sexy lagtesilo……Tarpor bathroom thekey ber howe o amar kachey,barandai ashlo…….
Amake o jiggesh korlo….”Saadman tumi kokhon ashcho….Amake daklana keno??”….Ami bollam “Eito ei matroi ashchi,exam shesh korey”….O tarpor jiggesh korlo exam kemon hoisey…..

Ami bollam "jozz hoise…." Tarpor or kotha gulo thik erokom chilo:
Sonia:Saadman tumi ajke amake na bachailey to amar pura exam dawai bhestey jeto……Ami suspended howe jetam…..Thanks a lot….
Ami:Arey na dhuurr….Tumi je ki bolo na……What are friends for.
Sonia:Jai hok,akhon bolo je ami tomar ki upokarey ashte pari……tumi ajke amar jaan bachaiso….Tumi ja bolba tai hobe ajkey…..

Ami:Dhaath….amar kicchur dorkar nai…….Thanks anywayz…..
Sonia:Shotti tomar kicchur dorkar nai…….Nishchoi tomar kichu dorkar ase……I can see it in your eyes……
Ami:Sonia……..baad dao to eshob….cholo Canteen e jai…….Koshto korey exam dewar por onek khudha lagse….
Sonia:I can see that in your eyes…….you’re very hungry…….hungry for sex…..
Ei boley o amar ga jorai dhore amar mukhe or norom thoth diye kiss diye dilo….Ami to pura obak howe gelam……Pura sense harai fellam……Tarpor or gorom thoth onubhob korey amar huush firlo……O dekhi or tongue diye amar mukh er shob jaiga explore kortese…Ami o shathe shathe or norom shorir jorai dhore oke french kiss korte thaklam……Or norom jibh take amar jibh diye chapa chapi korte thaklam…..French kiss korte korte or pith e amar haath diye upor nich kortey thaklam……O khub bhalo kiss kortesilo amake……Or gorom thoth amar thoth er shathe khub aram lagtesilo…..Kiss kortey kortey duijoney horny howe gelam ekdom

…..Ami dekhi kerokom senseless howe gelam ekdom oke kiss korte korte…..Ami to ekdom duniyar poroya chere oke jorai dhore or mukh explore korte thaklam,barandai……Tarpor o dekhi kiss bondho kore diye amake bollo “Cholo washroom e jai”….Tarpor ami oke jorai dhorey bathroom dhuklam ar dorjata lock korey dilam…..

Abar kissing e feroth gelam…..Ami pagoler moto oke dhorey kissing shuru korey dilam duijoney……Oke kiss korte khubi bhalo lagchilo…..Or thoth ta chetey dekhlam jey ektu sweet sweet…..Tarpor duijone duijoner mukh,kan,gola chat tey ar kiss korte thaklam…..Keno jani o kiss korar shathe shathe ami or proti aro attracted howe gelam….Tarpor ami or golai chuma ditey thaklam prai onekkhon……Amar mukher panitey or gola ar kan ekdom bhijey giechilo….O dekhi tarpor amar shirt er butam ekta ekta kore khuley fello….Ami o or shirt er butam aste aste khultey thaklam….Or shirt er upor diyei or dudh gula onubhob kortey parlam,or shirt er butam khular shomoi….Ektu ektu hard howe gesilo or dudh duita….Tarpor ami or shirt ta khuley towel-hangar er moddhe jhulai dilam abong o o amar shirt ta niye thik tai korlo……Tokhoney ami or rooper rohossho dekhtey pelam….Or proud dudh gula shada ekta bra er upor diye shokto howe lege chilo…..O mone hoi ektu tight bra porsilo……Jai hok,ami aste korey smooth bhabe or pith e haath diye or bra er hook ta unhook kore dilam……O tokhon amar lom chara bukta kiss kortesilo…….Duijoney love making e atoi mogno chilam jey tokhon keu kaur shathey ek fota kotha bolchilam na;khali eye contact hocchilo……Tarpor ami or whitish pink duita dudh amar haath e niye gorbhito bodh korlam nijeke………Chinta korlam je class 9 thike je meyer kotha bhebe ami dhon khechechi aj ami tar dudh duita amar haath e niye khelchi……Ami aste aste or norom tul tula dudh duita ador korchilam ar o amar shorir chushchilo…..Or norom dudh gula niye khabla khabli kortey khub e aram lagchilo amar…..O majhe majhe abar amar dikey takay hashchilo……Ami or dudh duita mukhe niye fellam ar aste aste chushtey thaklam……O dekhi amar pant er chain khuley amar khara dhon ber korey feleche……Tarpor or norom komol haath diye amar dhon ghoshe dicchilo…..Ki je aram lagchilo tokhon……Ami or golapi dudh er moddhe aste aste choto choto love bite ditey thaklam….Prottek kamorer shathey shathey o kepe kepe chitkar kore uthlo…..”Ahhhh……uhhhhhhh…….ummmmmm” erokom aaoaj korchilo o khub sexy bhabe……Ami or dudh duita chushtey chushtey ekdom lal korey dilam…..O o amar dhon er special care nicchilo…..Or meyeli norom haath diye hand job dicchilo……Ami chata chati r majhey majhey oke kiss korchilam ar or norom thoth e kamor dicchilam……Or thoth gula ekdom gorom howe chilo……Ami tarpor or skirt er niche amar haath ta niye or norom mota mota pacchar mangsho hatatey laglam…..O hothath hothath nere chere uthtey laglo….Tarpor ami aste kore or panty r niche diye duita angul dhukiye dilam or voda r dike....
O or nicher thoth e nijer daat diye sexy bhab e kamor dilo…..Sonia r voda ekdom rosh e vorpur chilo….Prothom barer moto ami or gorom voda onubhob korte pelam….O kepe uthlo ar ami oke shokto kore jorai dhore or thoth amar thoth er shathe lagai dilam……Chinta korlam meye jodi abar chitkar kore uthey taholey to shara school amader ku kormo jene jabe,tai amar thoth diye or komol thoth chepe dhorlam jeno o aaoaj na korte pare…..Aste kore amar tongue diye or jibh chat tey thaklam abong o o tai korte thaklo…..French kiss korchilam ar ami or skirt er niche amar angul diye or gorom voda i thap dicchilam…..Rosh gol gol kore ber hotey thaklo…Angul diye dekhlam je or clitoris ekdom erect howe shokto howe chilo tokhon…….Ami or clitoris rub korte thaklam ar o or shorir mochra tey thaklo…..Aste korey ami ei shob korar moddhe or skirt er nicher panty or paa er kobji r (Ankle) kachey namai nilam….O tokhon jorey jorey nisshash nitey thaklo ar jorey jorey amar gorom dhon ghosthey thaklo…..Sonia r gorom nisshash amar mukhe portey thaklo ar ami aro horny howe gelam tokhon……Ami or gorom rosh bhorti vodai amar angul dhukatey ar ber kortey thaklam jore jore ar or rosh or paa beye porte thaklo matitey…..Amar vodar rosh makhano angul ta or vodar thikey ber kore ami amar mukhe dhukai dilam ebong or rosh taste korlam……Salty salty ekta taste or cum er……But tokhon je sheyta ki modhur mone hocchilo…..Chattey thaklam amar rosh bhorti angul……Tarpor abar arekta haath er angul niye dhukai dilam or vodai……O eibar chitkar diye uthlo…..”Oohhhhhh……uuuuuhhhhhh……”Or erokom erotic aaoaj amakey aro horny korey dicchilo…Shara bathroom e or aaoaj echo hocchilo….Bhaggo bhalo jey bathroom er dorja mota kaath diye toiri chilo….Naholey to amader love making er aaoaj bairey jeto……Abong shey aaoaj shuney hoito bairey elahi kando lege jeto…..Ami tarpor amar angul ta or vodar rosh e makhiye fellam ar oi angul ta ber kore Sonia r mukhe dhukai dilam…..O or nijer vodar rosh taste kore besh mojai paisilo tokhon…..Amar angulta chetey o or vodar rosh shob kheye fello…..O tarpor amar pant ta khuley fello ekdom……Ami under wear o pori nai sheidin…..O amake or shamne pura nogno dekhe hashchilo muchki muchki…….Oke ami abar jorai dhorey kiss dilam…..mader situation ta thik erokom……Ami Bathroom er floor e naked obosthai Sonai r shamne darai chilam ar Sonia bra chara,khali skirt porey amar shamne darai chilo ar or panty or paa er kobji r kacchey atke chilo….Ami tarpor oke bollam je “Are you ready for my cock??”……”I can’t wait any longer……I’m ready when you are” o eita amar proshnor uttorey bollo khub sexy ekta bhaab niye…..Mamara apnera to nishchoi janen je English medium er chele meyeder mukhe khali english e ber hoi…….Sex korar shomoi to aro beshi english ber hoi bishesh kore eishob meyeder mukh theke…..Tai amakeo ektu bhaab niye or shaathe english bolte hoisilo…..Bathroom er floor ta dry e chilo sex korar jonno….Tao ami chinta korlam je hoito koto chele meye ei mati tey koto nongra kaj korsey…..Eita bhebe ami commode er lid ta namai diye or uporey jeye boshl


Koek bochor age Shopna jokhon amader bashae ashe tokhon amar boyosh 17. Shopna er mota-moti 13 hobe. Oke dekhle keu bolbe na je o kono bashar kajer meye hote pare. Ami bolchi na she is very high figh …but atleast kajer meye type er-o na. chehara figure kono tai tamon kharap chilo na. gayer rong ta forsha na hole-o shamla-sexy color chilo….
Jai hok, shopna er age ta chilo 13, mota-moti ekta transition stage of life. Ei stage er pore theke meye der dehe nana rokom change ashe and meye der onek rokom emotion grow kore. Jai hok, ami prothom prothom oke nie tamon kichu vabi nai, kintu aste aste gore utha or super dud 2 ta, or slim body and or nice bust dekhe to ami r nijeke dhore rakhte parlam na. bar bar mone hoe ..isssh oke chudte parle joss hoto ..And ami jani, or nijero korte ichcha kore, karon she has just grown up and body er need or akhon khubi beshi…So, ami shopno dekhte laglam and upae khujte laglam.
Shopna ra maje maje amader chad-e gosol korto. Chad er ek kone pani er babostha thakae and jae ga ta besh secret thakae maje maje oikhane gosol korto. Akdin hoise ki, ami ghum theke uthe freshment er jonno chad e hat-te gesi, and hotat korei ami oi jae gae chole gesi, Gie to amar chokh chanabora, Dekhi shopna gosol korche, gae kichu nai, pajama ta pura vije lege ache leg er shathe. Amar dike pash fire chilo bole ami or chomotkar smooth skin er pith ta dekhte pelam, and side theke dekhte pelam or oi nice dud 2 ta, amake tokhono she kheal kore nai. ami arektu kache jetei amake kheal korlo and chomke gie 2 hat die dud 2 ta dhaklo. Ami bollam, “Ki je korish na tora ? bathroom thak-te keu chade gosol kore ?” mukhe amar tokhon alga akta hashi, and ami holof kore bolte pari, amar oi hashi shopna kheal koreche…
Amar room er shathe attached batroom ache …amar bathroom ta abar khub boro. Akdin hoise ki, ami jothariti gosol kortasi, jama kapor shob khule. Ami kheal-i kori nai je ami door ta lock kori nai and oita ektu open-o chilo. Jai hok, gosol korar maje ami as usual shower off kore left hand e shaban mekhe khecha shuru korlam, chokh bondho kore khub uttejona er shathe ami kheche jachchi. Akhon ghotona hoise ki, Shopna oi time e amar room muchte oidin ghore gese, Kichukhkhon room muchar pore balti te pani vorar dorkar holo. Normal time e konodin o bairer bathroom theke pani ane, konodin amar bathroom theke. Oidin tokhon bathroom e kono shower er sound pai nai dekhe r bairer bathroom e jae nai. Shower er sound pabe kivabe ? ami to shower off kore khecha shuru korsi tokhon. Jai hok, shopna hate balti nie hachka tane door ta open korlo, ami atke uthlam. But it was already too late. Ami dekhi shopna ak hate balti nie bimur er moto amar dike ha kore takie ache, jano vule geche o ke, kothae thake etc. Tar chokh-e tokhon vashche ekta 20 year er chele veja shorir nie shaban makha hate dhon dhore ache, hat er upor die dhon er fule thaka pink cap ta ber hoye ache. Ami tokhon ato beshi hotobak hoye gechi je konomote amar dhon ta dhakar try korchi. Kintu full standy by dhon ke dhaka ato shoja na. Ami tokhon khekie uthlam ” Ki chaiii ?? Jao ..baire jao…” Shopna er tokhon hush holo, kichu ta lojja peye tara hura kore bathroom er baire jete laglo, baire ber hoyeche, balti dhora hat ta tokhono vetor e. Ak hachka tane hat ta ber korte gie hat theke balti gelo pore, gorie onek ta vetor e chole alo bathroom er. Shopna tokhon mukh kichuta nichu kore abar bathroom e dhuklo “Balti poira gese, nia jai”. Bathroom er vetor e pura dhuke balti nie chole gelo, amar dike ar chokh e koekbar takie. Ami kheal korlam or thot e ekta halka hashi khele gelo. Ami to
kamon jano khushi hoye uthlam–”Jai holo, mone hoe valoi hoise, er fole amar
kaj shohoj hoe jabe”. Jai hok ..ami r door ta lock korlam na. Ektu pore dekhi
ami towel ani nai. Ei obostha-te to pani nie bathroom theke ber hoya possible
na, so ami vetor theke chitkar dilam “Shopna, towel ta ektu dao to…” Shopna towel hate nie door e knock korlo. Ami tokhon door er shamne gie pura door ta open kore die daralam or shamne. Pura naked hoe ami darie achi shopna
er shamne. Shopna towel hate amar 6 inch Lomba hoe thaka dhon tar dike takie theke bollo “Apner towel…..” ami hat theke towel nite nite bollam ..”
Ki dekho ? pochondo hoise ?” shopna kichu bollo na, Hashi die chole gelo
pechon fire.
Ami bujlam ..this is chance. oidin bashae r keu chilo na. Shobai baire gese.
Just ami r Shopna. So ami tara-tari gosol shesh kore ber holam. dress up kore
shopna ke dak dilam. Shopna ashlo, takie dekhi o kichu ta hashche. Ami bollam “Hasho kano ?” shopna bollo “nah…hashi emnei, oidin apne amare
deksilen, ajke ami apnere deiha falaisi” ami bollam “bas ? eikhanei shesh ? amake dekhar pore tomar kichi ichcha kortase na ? tomake oidin dekhe amar jamon ichcha korechilo ?”
Shopna dekhi kono kotha bole na, ki jano chinta korche govir vabe. Ami golae
uttejona komie thanda vabe bollam “Shopna, amar eita tomar dhorte ichcha kore na ? khelte ichcha kore na ?” Shopna kono kotha bollo na, Shudhu matha noralo. Ami tokhon shopnar kache gie shopna er hat dhore or hat ta amar dhor er upore rakhlam “Tahole ei nao,dhoro, lojja pao kano ? ” Shopna shundor kore dhorlo amar dhon ta ke pant er upor die, ami Tokhon shopna er komor jorie dhorechi, aste aste amar mukh chole jachche or thot er kache, Shopna chokh bondho kore fello, Ami thot choalam or thot er shathe, shokto hoe lege gelo 2 jon er thot. Halka nore uthlo shopna and uttejona er shathe shathe amar dhon ta ke jore chap die dhorlo. Ami kiss korte korte-i amar pant er bottom and chain khule dilam, vetor theke ber hoye elo amar shokto hoye thaka dhon ta. Oo..ekhane bole rakha valo, bathroom e shopna dhukar pore kintu ami khecha stop kore diechilam. So amar kintu khecha-o hoe nai. Jai hok, Shopna tokhon shora shori amar dhon e hat dilo. Shokto hoye thaka gorom, lomba dhon–shopna mone hoe konodin age dhore ni. or modhdhe abeg bere gelo …Jore jore kiss kora shuru korlo eibar, nijer jiv ta pachar kore dilo amar mukh er vetor e … shekhane amar jiv ke khuje messege korte laglo. Ami tokhon or kapor er upor die or pachae jore jore chap dichchi ..Aaaaahh what a feeling that was…tarpor hat ta dol-te dol-te upore nie aschi, Kamiz ta tule fellam. 2 sec er jonno kiss kora bondho kore or matha er upor die kamiz ta tule fellam. Ber hole ele bra er vetor atke thaka or 2 ta dud. bra er vetor die dud 2 ta jeno chire ber hoye ashte chaiche, buk er majer vag ta khub shundor dekha jache. Ami kiss kora bondho kore oi khali jaega tae ekta chumu dilam and chatlam 1 bar. Tarpor abar kiss korae fire elam. Ebar or pajam er fita khulte laglam, fita khula hoye gele jhop kore pore gelo pajama ta, Shopna pa uthie pajama te ber kore fello. Akhon or porone ache just panty and bra…amar chilo just ekta t-shirt..otao khule fellam …Then ami shopna ke pacha er niche chap die tule bichana er kache nie gelam. Shuie deilam oke
bichanae. Tarpor or upure uthe kiss korte laglam thot e. Chatlam or jiv, thot.
Bra er upor die dud e koekta chap die ektane khule fellam bra ta. Vetor theke
ber hoye elo amar chokh er shamne gore utha or 2 ta dud….khub beshi boro ami ta bolbo na, kintu khub nice shape er eta shikar kortei hobe. Buk er modhdhe Dud guli er position atoi shundor chilo je, ami tokhon kono kotha na bolle khub jore koekta chumu khelam bam dud ta te. Nice nipples. cute, brown 2 ta nipples. ami pagol er moto chapte laglam dud 2 ta, mukh lagie chumu khete laglam, Jiv shomane chatlam, vijie dilam or dud 2 take amar jiv er pani die. Tarpor or dan nipples e mukh die suck korte laglam. Mukh er vetor e thaka nipples ta ke amar jiv die appaon korchi…Shopna dekhlam eri modhdhe “Aaahh..Uuhhh khan …amar dud khan, moja koira khan” ….. Erpor ami dud er majhe symmetry borabor chathe laglam… or navi chatlam …and aro niche namlam. Mukh thamlo panty er kache gie. Khub aste aste ami Panty ta namie dilam or oikhane theke, Akbare pa theke ber kore fellam. Akhon shopna shompurno nogno…. Ami takalam or voda er dike, Khub halka chule cheye ache enclosed lips er oi voda ta. oikhane kichukhon ami hat die msg korlam…Aaaaahh ..ki norom shundor voda. amar hat pora matroi shopna kepe uthlo …. Amio chomke gelam ..Ato norom voda, amar hat pora matroi jano kichu ta debe gelo … Kichukhon lips 2 ta messege korar pore ami majkhan er clitoris borabor halka kore 2 ta ghosha dilam .. O dekhi tokhon pura puri uttejito…Or voda vije geche halka halka rosh e… ami erpor or voda-e chumu khelam…Then jore jore chumu khete laglam. Voda er rosh er halka gondhe tokhon amar matha kharap hoye gcge. Erpor shuru korlam chata, Jiv ber kore ami chatchi upor theke niche, nich theke upore. 2 hat die pa fak korlam ami Shopna er, Ran er chipae chumu khelam, chatlam, Tarpor abar chata shuru korlam voda. Shopna kepe utchilo bar bar, chkh bondho ..gham e vije geche deho. Erpor ami amar jiv ta dhukie dilam or voda er vetor e. Jiv e eshe laglo nonta, odvut taste er ek rosh, or voda er rosh. Amar jiv e laga matori ami pagol hoe gelam. Ummotto pagol er moto ami chat-te laglam jore jore…vetor e jiv dhukachchi and ber korchi, chete chete ber kroe nichchi or voda er shob rosh. O tokhon shukh e pagol hoye ache. Erpor ami amar dhon take dhukate nilam okhane … O kichu bolte gieo parlo na. Ami dhukano shuru korlam. Virgin voda, kichutei dhukte chachchilo na. Onek koshte prothome jokhon dhon er matha ta dhukalam, o bathae chitkar kore uthlo ..”Aaaaaaaaaaahh” Erpor ami aro jore chap die pura ta dhukalam. O kokie uthlo batha. Ami prothome aste aste koekta thap dilam, Shopna pura shomoye Gongani er moto shobdo korchilo ..and ami khub enjoy korchilam shobdota…chuda er time e oi sound na thakle moja nai. Jai hok..ami er pore boro boro stroke dea shuru korlam, Shopna ebar jore jore chitkar shuru korlo. Ami 2 hat die shopna er dud 2 take valo moto tipe dite laglam, or nipples guli tanlam, dollam, ghurlam….or dud e kiss korlam, chatlam …Erpor or thot e kiss korte thaklam. Shopna tokhon kapche, gheme vije geche, kapchi amio …Shopna bollo “Vaia, vetor e dien na, bachcha hoia gele ki korum ? ” ..ami bollam thik ache …dibo na…
Eibar ami aro jore jore dite laglam …shara room e amader gongani er sound
chara r kono sound nai, Amar kaj hoye jachche almost dekhe ami dhon ta ber
korlam, or mukher kache nie bollam, Khao. O kono kotha na bole dan hat die dhon er gora ta dhorlo, tarpor mukhe pure nilo …Aaaahhh ..she ki shukh …Oi norom norom thot er maje amar dhon ..Ki shundor kore jiv die malish korche amar dhon take. ….Amar tokhon ber hoe ber hoe obostha …. Amon shomey shopna ato jore koekta chush dilo je vor vor kore amar rosh ber hoye gelo or mukh er vetor e… Ami protita erection er shathei kepe uthchi ..Shopna dekhi dan hat die amar dhon ke shokto kore dhore rekheche mukher vetore nie, bam hat die amar pacha er pechon e chap diche jano ami or mukh theke dhon take ber korte na pari….er modhdhe ami koekbar kepe uthe full erection shesh korlam ..er pore dekhi o or mukh theke amar dhon ta ber korlo …or shara mukh er vetor shada shada amar maal lege ache…dan hat die gora dhore rekhe she abar chatlo amar dhon …tarpor abar ..and abar …eivabe dhon e lege thaka maal tuku-o shabar kore dilo …ami or voda er dike takie dekhi ..oikhan thekeo gol gol kore rosh porche… kono kotha na bole ami mukh lagie chat-te chat-te shob tuku rosh chalan kore dilam amar mukh er vetor. Tarpor shue porlam or pashe… “Ki ..akhon bolo, valo legeche ?” ami ask korlam
“Ho ..lagse….ami arokom valo laga aro chai ” –ekta hashi die bollo shopna
“Pabe …aro pabe..” –heshe bollam amio ..
Ei holo shopna ke amar prothom chuda er kahini …… erpor amader aro onek